


Heirloom Conservatory is the art and conservation studio of Emily Hishta Cohen. Emily holds an M.S. in the Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works and an M.A. in the History of Art & Archaeology from the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She also holds a B.F.A. in Painting from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University in St. Louis. Emily started Heirloom Conservatory as a space to simultaneously practice art and conservation. 

Heirloom Conservatoryโ€™s roots lie in the natural world. The cellulose and lignin molecules that make up paper and books originate from the botanical realm. Plant-based conservation supplies such as wheat starch paste and Japanese tissues harness unique natural qualities to be used in conservation techniques. Nature and her cycles inspire the creation of art. The studio windows offer views of a large tract of conservation land known as The Middlesex Fells. 

Learn more about the book & paper conservation services offered here. Explore the artwork here.  To learn about Emily's M.A. and M.S. work, visit emilyhcohen.com.


Connect with Emily on Instagram @heirloomconservatory.